Benefits of Membership Include:
- NEW: Ask Me Anything Webinars - Sign up for these monthly webinars where we discuss topics and host Q&A.
- Legislative watchdog following local and national industry issues,
- Ability to influence state and national rules & policy,
- Substantial business insurance savings,
- Ongoing education,
- Free directory and web site listings,
- Annual Winter Convention,
- Summer Soils Seminar,
- Access to Association logos to distinguish your company from non-member companies,
- Opportunity to join and participate in Association committees,
- Ongoing direct electronic communications regarding current local and national issues and events,
- Social events and networking activities,
- Discounted fees for MOWA events,
- Competitive advantages through enhanced exposure to fellow industry professionals,
- Receive the Little Digger newsletter,
- Reliable information about the industry,
- Association office and staff resources
Come grow with us …Our membership includes: Installers, Pumpers, Designers, Professionals, Inspectors Engineers, Soil Scientists, Operator/ Maintenance Providers, Government Regulators, Educators, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Students and any others interested in Minnesota’s wastewater industry.
Become a member of the largest, strongest wastewater industry association in Minnesota!
How to become a member:
Sign up online via our website:
Click on “Become a Member” under Membership—fill out online form and pay online.
Fill out paper registration form and mail to office with check payment
Memberships are for a full calendar year (January 1 - December 31).
Please note: Becoming a member in October-December 2024, will result in you paying a prorated membership for the remainder of 2024. If you want to become a member for 2025 (the full year), fill out the paper registration form and email to MOWA office. Or wait until January 1, 2025, to join online.
Current members: Your 2025 MOWA Membership Renewal Invoices will be sent in December 2024. Watch your email for these and you can renew online with ease!
Individual Membership: $240
Business/Government Membership: $340
Up to 5 people ($100/person after 5)

Current Members!
Update your profile for the new Directory!